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MAU Launches 40th Anniversary Interactive Timeline

MAU Launches 40th Anniversary Interactive Timeline

Forty years ago, William G. Hatcher, Sr. stepped out with his faith in God, $500, and a big dream when he opened MAU Workforce Solutions. This year, as we mark 40 years in business, we feel indebted to Mr. Hatcher for everything he did to grow MAU into what it is today. His vision and determination laid the groundwork that has earned MAU the ability today to attract the finest employees who serve the world’s leading companies.

Using LinkedIn to Get an Employer’s Attention

Using LinkedIn to Get an Employer’s Attention

How can you ensure that an employer will review your resume? The answer is simple. Have the document referred to HR from a past or present employee of the company you wish to work for. While this task might seem strenuous, LinkedIn has made it easy to connect with employees all over the world!

Simple Ways to Break the Ice at Networking Events

Simple Ways to Break the Ice at Networking Events

Getting a conversation started is typically the hardest part of networking events! You must keep in mind that the prospect of approaching someone new is stressful for just about everyone involved. Read our tips below to develop smooth, natural conversation at your next networking event.