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The Interview Before Your Job Interview

The Interview Before Your Job Interview

It’s common knowledge that you should dress up for a job interview, but did you know that you should also consider what you wear when you’re picking up job applications or turning in your resume? Potential employers are concerned as much (if not more) about your outfit when you’re asking them for a job as when you’re formally interviewing for one. While it’s true that you shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover, your potential employer will certainly judge what kind of employee you might be by what you wear when you come in to introduce yourself and deliver your resume (if possible).

Is There a Fundamental Misunderstanding of Kaizen?

Is There a Fundamental Misunderstanding of Kaizen?

The risk that we need to avoid here is looking for the ‘’breakthrough’ in one big step. Not only is this almost always impossible, but it is dangerous. A new term has recently been added to the lean vocabulary: Kaikaku. While kaizen is a focused incremental change for the best, Kaikaku means making fundamental and radical changes to a production system.

Job Interviews: How to Beat the Competition!

Job Interviews: How to Beat the Competition!

The New Year presents a chance for job seekers to jump back into the job market with a renewed sense of vigor. In order to begin a new career, job seekers must complete job applications, as well as in-person interviews. Incorporate the following tips into your next interview and stand out amongst the crowd!

10 Professional Resolutions for 2014

10 Professional Resolutions for 2014

The New Year presents the perfect opportunity to start moving your career in the right direction. A change in direction might involve a pay raise, promotion, or even a new career! Whatever the case, the following tips will ensure a successful start to 2014.