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4 Reasons to Have Friends at Work
June 8, 2016 12:39:48 PM

A wise person once said, “A faithful friend is the medicine of life.” I for one believe that to be true. Friends come to us in all forms and in many different spaces in our lives. One unexpected place we find friends is at work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average employed person spends 8.9 hours on work related activities each day. That’s 44.5 hours a week, 2314 hours a year, and quite a bit of time spent on all work and no play. Don’t you think building relationships around an activity you spend at least 44.5 hours a week participating in is important? We at MAU believe making friends in the workplace is vital to one’s success. Here are 4 reasons to make friends at work that will help you improve both your personal and professional life.


1. Workplace Friendship is Good for Your Health

Having friends at work makes your day-to-day role more enjoyable and your work far more satisfying. Having the ability to partake in a simple conversation serves as a pleasant distraction and mental break from the stressors of the job. It can also increase communication skills which have the abilty to decrease overall stress. Studies have also shown that people with close friends at work have a greater ability to fight disease. Who knew having friends at work could be so great for your immune system!


2. Friendship at Work Helps Increase Work Productivity

It has been proven that loneliness reduces motivation and productivity. Don’t become isolated in your cubicle, get out there and mingle! Workplace camaraderie promotes strong communication and a shared commitment to tasks. This is not simply because friends are easier to work with, but with friends there is often more on the line. No one wants to let their friend down which in turn promotes an increase in work productivity. 


3. Having Friends at Work Increases Job Satisfaction

Workplace friendships have been shown to increase overall job satisfaction. Typically, having a workplace friendship makes people like the company they work for ever more. Friends in the workplace contribute to having a sense of belonging and a support system as well as helping with overall work-life balance.


4. Friends Can Contribute to Work Longevity

Showing up to work everyday with the sight of a friendly face helps the time pass more quickly. Before you know it, you’ll be with the company 5 years and have yet to experience the feeling of being stressed or burnt-out. True friends nurture and support your growth. This constant support system will help push you to be the best you can be personally and professionally.

A friendship refreshes the soul and brings out the best version of ourselves. Friends give us hope, support, love, encouragement, and advice (sometimes a little too much advice). Yet, at the end of the day we wouldn’t trade our friendships for anything. They are a large part of who we are and our everyday well being. Friends can help not only make work, but ultimately your life a little easier. Do you have friends at work? Share this blog with your work pals!



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