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What’s all the Hype? Wellness Programs in the Workplace
February 17, 2015 9:37:33 PM

It may come as a surprise that workplace wellness dates back to as early as the late 1800s. There was the Pullman Company, which had a company town just outside of Chicago, that established an athletic association in 1879 to go along with its employee-only housing, schools and shops. Or the National Cash Register, that instituted twice-daily exercise breaks, an employee gym and come 1911, a 325-acre park for its workers.

By the 1950s, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) began to take shape and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established in 1970 to help reduce not only workplace injuries, but also illnesses. By the 1980s, workplace wellness initiatives had begun to look like the more holistic programs we continue to see today. (Source: David H. Chenoweth PhD., Worksite Health Promotion. Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL. 2006.)

Organizations have come a long way since the late 1800s and because, health and wellness is just as important as it was then, the resources that are available to employers give a great jump start to any program. As employers, the directions one can take in implementing a program encompass many facets: smoking cessation, weight management, nutrition, and more so today than ever, stress and mental health management. In the midst of busy work schedules and deadlines, you may ask yourself “What’s all the hype?”

The benefits of such programs go far beyond reduced premium costs. Healthy living impacts not only our waistline but our stress levels, ability to enjoy family and friends, and our overall quality of life. Click here to read an article from Staffing Stream about some of the benefits to implementing wellness programs in the workplace.  While this article focuses on staffing companies, an effective wellness program can be beneficial to all organizations alike.

At MAU, we strive to encourage healthy living both in the workplace and at home by encouraging employees to participate in an annual wellness challenge each fall, take part in local walk/run events, as well as a benefits driven wellness program.
