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Career Tips: Making the Most of EACH Day
January 26, 2015 3:02:00 PM


If you have any contact with social media, you likely have seen a barrage of postings and images describing what, for many, is the average workweek.  The week starts with a “case of the Mondays,” continues into Wednesday and getting over the hump of “Hump Day” (insert GEICO camel commercial), and by Friday, you delightfully arrive at work internally shouting, “TGIF!” while envisioning riding off into the weekend sunset come 5:00pm.  Before you realize it, you are always living in anticipation of the weekend, while just making it by during the week.  Most people would agree that weekends and rest from the daily grind are necessary and important.  However, when you spend over two-thirds of life at work, wouldn’t it be more enjoyable to experience time there as something more than a means to an end? 

As an employee, you can benefit from finding contentment in whatever your current role is, even if you missed that last promotion, or are considering a career change.  After all, when the next promotion comes or a door opens at a different company, both current and future employers will want to know what you did with the time you were given previously to learn, excel, and grow as an employee. Here are few ways to empower you each morning to make the best of each day: 

1. Make a to-do list and schedule for day ahead. Whether you do it before you leave the office the previous day or first thing in the morning, knowing what tasks need to immediately get taken care of kick starts the day.

2. If possible, wear an outfit you love. It may sound silly, but heading out the door wearing something you are comfortable and confident in can really make you feel great for the day ahead! 

3. Get up a little early. There’s nothing like starting your day rushed. Even if you aren’t a morning person you’ll enjoy a few extra minutes before you begin the day. Knock out your exercise in the morning or do some yoga at home. Take a long, hot shower. Have an extra cup of coffee. You’ll be amazed at the energy you get from getting up before the sun! 

Look at each day as an occasion to perform with excellence.  Proactively seek opportunities to show yourself as valuable to your employer.  You may be surprised by the transformation of your attitude and how your perspective of work changes, to the extent that the coming weekend is no longer your focus; rather, personal satisfaction and the enjoyment of work becomes your motivation. Every day can bring new possibility and excitement. 

Happy Monday! 

Click here to read more Career Tips from MAU. 


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