It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it? The holiday season really can be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can often bring with it added activity that leads to stress. Year end deadlines, work parties, holiday spending, and family gatherings are just a few of the ways stress creeps in during the holiday season. It can affect our energy and mood, even our physical health. During times of stress, your body releases cortisol, which can also suppress your immune system. That is why knowing how to manage stress is the most powerful tool you can have in your back pocket, especially as we enter this season!
Here are a six tips on how to effectively manage stress, both at work and home, during the holidays this year.
1. Take 5 – Take time for yourself; even a 5 minute walk during the day can stop the flow of those ugly stress hormones.
2. Breathe – As many times as we’ve heard it, taking deep breaths does wonders to reduce stress, while also lowering blood pressure.
3. Create a Plan – Make a to-do list to focus on the tasks that need to get done. It doesn’t have to be 10 pages long; just enough detail to know what those items are at work and home that need to get taken care of.
4. Just Say No – Events, both professional and personal, during the holidays can be overwhelming. Respectfully decline some of the invitations to make time more manageable, not to mention enjoyable!
5. Schedule time to Exercise – An exercise routine not only helps to reduce stress but burns additional calories from all those special treats. Endorphins released during exercise make that to-do list less daunting, and those deadlines more manageable.
6. Give to those in Need – Giving has a mutually beneficial effect for both giver and receiver. Serve at a local food pantry or deliver a meal to a struggling family this season. You will make someone’s life better and watch the stress melt away!
Consider using all of these tips during this year’s holiday season to help reduce stress both in your career and at home with your family and friends. Make this a stress-less holiday season!
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