Lean is a spirit of transformation done by people for people. Its foundation is built upon fixing the problem, not affixing the blame.
Workforce Insights
Lean: Understanding Your Current Processes and Capabilities
by Erin Tovo | February 16, 2013 1:45:00 AM | Workforce Insights
MAU Lean Manager Mike Boettcher discusses the foundation of lean and continuous improvement.
Safety Introvert’s Quiet Message
by Erin Tovo | February 9, 2013 1:35:00 AM | Workforce Insights
Wallflowers are outstanding in their own unassuming way and their contributions speak just as meaningfully as their noisier, more recognizable counterparts
Minimizing Waste in the Workplace
by Erin Tovo | September 20, 2011 1:39:00 PM | Workforce Insights
In order to minimize waste and maximize customer value, it is imperative that businesses begin to run lean if they’re not doing so already. Aside from cost reduction, the principles of lean are meant to greatly improve companies from top to bottom. Lean is not a program or quick “cost cutting measure”; rather, a way of thinking that’s infiltrated manufacturing, healthcare, government, etc.