There are some leaders who have been leading others since they were children, carrying that responsibility into adulthood, and will continue to lead for life.
On a cold December night in Atlanta in 1955, in response to Rosa Parks’ arrest, an African American congregation gathered at the Holt Street Baptist Church and elected such a leader. That night, Martin Luther King, Jr. was chosen to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott and deliver a speech that evening.
The story goes that Dr. King had 20 minutes to prepare for this speech, five of which were spent having a panic attack. That night he delivered one of the most memorable speeches of his life (with no notes) to a crowd of over 5,000.
Dr. King was a leader who dedicated his entire life and career to a cause he believed in. His legacy resonates today. Hundreds of streets in the U.S., a federal holiday, and a memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C., have all been created in his honor.
Perhaps you too are destined to lead a cause, a call, or a movement, whether personally or professionally, where you will serve as a leader for life. That opportunity where your “one thing” emboldens you to step up as that leader could be now.
Leadership has nothing to do with your title, but everything to do with your mindset and your willingness to show up with an idea and courage.
If there was ever a time in history where you could step up as a leader, now is a perfect time. Because there is no script for what’s happening in the world right now, and we are all firing live, who is going to tell you that what you’re proposing is wrong? They don’t know either. Perhaps this is the best time ever for you to step up into another level of leadership in your life or career.
In our next session, we address the elephant in the room and what might block you from stepping up as a leader when your time comes.
Till then, is this the time for you?
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