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It’s Time to Make Your Move [Part 10]
December 22, 2020 1:30:00 PM

This is the final installment of a 10-part series designed to help you transform the way you manage, analyze, and utilize your workforce. Today, we’ll consolidate all of the concepts we’ve covered thus far and show you how to identify a trustworthy partner to help you implement these solutions.

The world of business is changing faster than any of us could have ever anticipated. By failing to look at their workforces strategically, many companies have fallen behind and become less competitive in the global marketplace. This doesn’t have to be the fate of your organization.

My hope is that the transformative, strategic approach to your workforce that I’ve outlined in this 10-part series will give you the confidence you need to focus on the parts of your business that truly matter, all while decreasing operating costs and increasing efficiency.

To adapt quickly and stay competitive, many organizations are choosing to transfer a number of their functions to external service providers. Before we close out this series, here are a few tips for choosing a partner that can help you successfully implement these concepts.

Finding a Partner You Can Trust

Never underestimate the value of human relationships. As you embark on outsourcing solutions, be sure to seek partners who prioritize the people side of the equation. Be wary of providers who over promise on their capabilities and corporate sales teams who promise to drive more money and efficiency to your bottom line. These so-called partners can ravage company systems and processes, damaging the internal culture and reputation and adversely affecting the quality and delivery of the product or service offered.

It’s a good idea to take the time to find a partner you can trust. An often overused word, trust forms the basis of any outsourced relationship. You must have confidence in the company and the people you are discussing a partnership with—your company’s future success lies in the balance. Equally important is ensuring they have expertly performed the entire scope of services they are promising to deliver.

Trusted partners don’t always have to be the final solution. I learned about many of the concepts described in this book from companies that are now our partners. We help one another by introducing our respective customers to the best resources in the world. Find partners willing to not only provide their services but also expose you to firms with services they don’t provide. Although no one outsource-solutions company does it all, some—like MAU—are strategically positioned with other outsourcers to bring you a greater return on your investment.

I recommend working with partners amenable to designing and implementing their solutions at a measured pace that will protect your culture and provide for thoughtful, ongoing evaluation of the management and control of your business functions. Commit to choosing third parties that will have a positive effect on your product or service, employees, and customers.

Now is the time to make your move. Your competitors are already moving in this direction or soon will be. Don’t wait for the future—the future is already here. If you’re interested in working with MAU to gain an edge over your competition, get in touch with our team to start a conversation.

Transform Your Workforce, Revolutionize Your Business: A Recap

Part 1: Are You Ready for the Future of Business:

  • Past greatness does not guarantee a company’s future.
  • In the years to come, thriving businesses will know how to manage every part of their organization with excellence.
  • The most successful executives will concentrate a majority of their time and resources on what will keep their companies growing and prospering in the decades ahead.

Part 2: The Deadly Business Mistake You’re Probably Blind To

  • Have you made many business changes over the years but found your market share still slipping?
  • Are you constantly making excuses to avoid addressing the high price tag and inefficiencies of your full-time regular workforce?
  • Are you afraid to eliminate any of your sacred cows?

Part 3: The Dangers of an Outdated Labor Blueprint

  • According to the first labor blueprint, the Patriarchal Workforce Model, people assumed that they would be working for one company their entire lives.
  • Huge corporate profits masked the escalating compensation and benefit costs that were generating a long-term employee legacy debt.
  • Having only a static labor force at their disposal, employers had no effective staffing solutions for marketplace expansions and contractions.

Part 4: The Pros and Cons of Temporary Staffing

  • While companies have realized tremendous cost savings by utilizing a temporary workforce, they have unknowingly forfeited many of those savings in wasteful, unmeasured ways.
  • Over time, the compensation and benefit gap between temporary and full-time workers has widened.
  • You must determine a current market valuation of wages and benefit scales for both temporary and full-time workers, especially if you hire from the temporary group.

Part 5: How to Say Goodbye to an Outdated Workforce Model

  • It sometimes takes an outside perspective to jolt executives into shifting away from a dated, inefficient model and toward a lean one centered on value-added core activities.
  • For a number of companies, doing the same thing year after year—despite a steady decline in the marketplace—is better than risking the unknown.
  • As few as 50 percent of your current jobs, processes, and functions could be classified as core.

Part 6: Reaching Your Moment of Business Enlightenment

  • What you think about and act on every day affects the short and long-term outcomes of your business and career.
  • Those companies that clearly differentiate between their core functions and those they can turn over to third parties will realize a competitive advantage.
  • Business leaders must be willing to make difficult decisions, which can include terminating full-time employees—even those at the top.

Part 7: RPO: Your HR Department’s New Best Friend

  • Growing in popularity, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) can help HR departments reduce hiring costs while improving efficiency.
  • To obtain the most value from RPO, companies need to consider using it for both internal and external workforce movement.
  • Co-op and internship initiatives can be significantly enhanced through programs managed by third parties.

Part 8: 3 Tools to Add to Your Staffing & Recruiting Toolbox

  • By relying on external providers to manage pilot programs, you can avoid interrupting existing operations and committing your organization to long-term, fixed costs before the new product is proven successful.
  • You can better manage ramp-ups and ramp-downs with the tools and resources an outsourcing partner can provide.
  • To slash the employee legacy debt associated with absenteeism and improve responsiveness to organizational leaders, companies can turn to ever-ready, cross-trained contract teams.

Part 9: Is It Your Time to Outsource Maintenance?

  • As executives change the way they manage all their business functions, they have begun viewing maintenance workers as strategic partners.
  • To benefit fully from outsourcing their in-house maintenance, leaders must determine that this function is not linked to their core business.
  • By contracting a facility-maintenance service provider, companies can gain access to continuous data, make more-informed decisions about equipment, and increase productivity by almost a third.

Part 10: It’s Time to Make Your Move

  • Combining all the workforce concepts, MAU’s Innovative Workforce Model provides the fluidity, stability, affordability, and—most importantly—the focus that organizations need to succeed in the twenty-first century.
  • As they pursue greater efficiencies and profits, executives must not lose sight of the value of trusted relationships.
  • Choose external providers with care and outsource in a systematic way that preserves your company’s culture while achieving the needed change.

We also gathered all these chapters into a handy Playbook file so you can have it at the reach of your fingertips. Download it now! It is designed to help you reevaluate your workforce structure and unlock new ways of thinking to better focus on the parts of your business that truly matter.


Note: This blog post was inspired by and adapted from Randall Hatcher’s book, “The Birth of a New Workforce.