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The Cost of a Bad Hire [Infographic]
May 16, 2018 4:02:05 PM

Technology is growing by leaps and bounds and hand in hand with physical infrastructure operations, but this doesn’t mean that a well-trained workforce should be left behind.  As experts say, there will always be human interaction with it, either for maintenance, programming, strategic planning, and/or other creative and analytical tasks that may offer a business clear direction.

This highlights the importance of having a workforce that meets the needs of an organization and helps overcome the challenges that the evolution of technology often presents.

Employees are the most important asset of a company, so it is vital for an organization to build a team that looks after their welfare, development, improvement, and after a healthy social culture among them, aka a Human Resources team.  They are usually part of the decision making process, but because there are often multiple stakeholders in the process, an organizations future may be stifled as a result of poor hiring practices across all parties involved.

A thing to keep in mind is that there is such thing as the Halo Effect.


Take, for example, the case of Zappos, suffered a financial crisis, losing over 100 million dollars, following a slew of bad hiring decision, according to CEO Tony Hsieh.  He said a lesson learned from that situation was to take the right time in the hiring process.

With that being said, an inadequate recruitment can affect several elements in the company, according to Brandon Hall Group, a human capital research and analyst firm based in Delray Beach in Florida.  They established that in addition to time, bad hiring practices can impact/result:

  • The organizational productivity.
  • Poor team performance, and as result, the quality of the final product.
  • The Employee Retention, increase turnover.
  • The organizational culture: employee morale and engagement.

Then, the million dollar question: How to avoid a Bad Hire?  Download the following Infographic and incorporate these practices that our recruiting teams have identified as important elements in the hiring process.



Need a Talent Backup?  Take a look at our latest Talent Menu, which highlights the top skilled candidates of the month in an easy to navigate downloadable format.


MAU’s array of staffing, recruiting, and outsourcing solutions can find the best fits for your company, without losing any of your company’s personality or culture.  Contact us to get started!
