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Tired of Digging Through Resumes? MAU Talent Menu [SlideShare]
June 29, 2017 1:55:04 PM

The rise of job boards, such as Indeed, CareerBuilder, and LinkedIn, have given employers worldwide an extremely efficient and quick way to share their company’s job openings with thousands, if not millions, of candidates. However, access to so many candidates can backfire, leaving you with hundreds of resumes to review for every open position. Let’s be honest, who has time for that??  We developed the MAU talent menu to highlight some outstanding candidates that are ready to join your organization today. Their resumes have already been reviewed, references checked, and our recruiters have already had one-on-one conversations with each of them.

In this month’s talent menu, we feature 29 most placeable candidates with a broad range of skill sets, digital marketing and advertising, IT systems management, and continuous improvement processes. Here are just a few of the jobs they are looking for:

  • Mechanical Engineer

  • Project Manager

  • Product Content Specialist

  • Inventory Control Analyst

  • and More!

Meet these 29 outstanding individuals looking for a new opportunity in the SlideShare below. Check out the menu, and let us know if we can introduce them to you and your organization. 



Didn’t find the best fit for your organization? Click here to view more candidates from MAU. Our recruiting teams would love the opportunity to help you in your search for Top Talent.  If there is any way we can assist with your staffing and recruiting needs, let us know!
