When you mention working in manufacturing, many people think of dirty, dangerous, dimly lit factories. In reality, factories have become some of the most safe, technologically advanced places to be employed. With the baby boomer generation leaving the industrial workforce and the consistent growth in the industry, that leaves hundreds of thousands of jobs available every year. Shake the negative perception of the manufacturing industry, and learn why you should consider a job in this sector!
1. Higher than Minimum Wage
The federal minimum wage is $7.25, and the average wage for an Entry-Level Production Worker is $11.75 per hour, according to PayScale.com. The skills that increase pay for this job the most are Team Leadership and Production.
2. Create Exciting Products
You could be helping build a luxury vehicle, developing the latest in food manufacturing, or creating lifesaving medical devices.
3. Opportunities for Advancement
There are different paths for advancement depending on your interests or educational background. You could become a Production Supervisor, Technical Engineer, or branch into Research and Distribution, or Sales and Development. The manufacturing sector offers a lot of potential and flexibility!
4. Safety First
Factory work used to have a reputation for being high risk and full of workplace injuries. The combination of automated machinery and proper training helps keep workers safe.
Don’t let the images of 70’s and 80’s factories dissuade you from pursuing a career in the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing is not dead! Whether you are a seasoned professional or a millennial making an impact, there’s a lot to love about manufacturing! Find your future in manufacturing with MAU!