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Recruiting Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Campaign
October 13, 2016 6:31:45 PM

Whether you’re watching prime time television, the morning news, checking social media or reading email, news regarding the presidential campaign will pop up. Check your Facebook feed, and it’s likely that nearly half of what you see relates to a debate, latest election headline or attack on one candidate or the other. The election is less than 30 days away, which many are thankful for. Regardless of which side of the fence you fall on, there are some recruiting lessons to be gleaned from this election season.

Here are 3 lessons to consider in your recruiting efforts as the election comes to an end and you finish out 2016.

Honesty is the Best Policy

This year’s campaign has had it’s fair share of dramatic twists following a myriad of headlines revealing the candidates’ past. Issues regarding former emails, prior positions on foreign policy, and federal taxes have all created some blurry areas for both candidates. While some of those have been either confirmed or denied, I think we can all agree on one thing: Honesty is the Best Policy. The same practice holds true when it comes to recruiting.

Last year, MAU surveyed its applicant audience via social media, asking what was important when looking for a new job. A large number of respondents stated that upfront communication about where they stand in the process and if they were a good fit was highly important. Regardless if it is good or bad news, make honesty and transparency in the recruiting process not only the best policy, but your only policy.

Know Your Target Audience

While during this particular election season, many are fairly indecisive, there are still countless individuals that will never cross party lines. For the most part, you will see candidates campaigning with the audience representative of the majority of their supporters. This is yet another area that employers should always consider when recruiting.

Today’s labor market is tight, making it more and more difficult to find the right talent. Fortunately, studies show that 75% of employees are open to or actively seeking a new job. What does this mean for your recruiting efforts? It is important to know who your ideal candidate audience is, use that information to target those already employed and pull them over to your organization. How do you define that audience? Consider conducting an internal survey to find out basic traits of your employees, their hobbies, likes/dislikes, etc. This information will help frame your target and perhaps even offer an idea of where you should focus your efforts.

Social Media is as Powerful as Ever 

Social media is playing a rapidly increasing role in how campaigns are communicating with voters. And while there are powerful tools available using paid advertising on social media, this year’s campaign is proving the benefit of free media. As of July, 24% of US adults were found to turn to social media posts on either candidate to find news and information about the election, more than those who turned to either candidates’ websites or emails combined (15%). Any guesses as to where candidates look for information on an employer when looking for a job?

Job seekers are increasingly looking to an employer’s social media presence to gauge the organization’s “culture code,” and determine if it is a desirable place to work. Last year, Jobvite released a survey sharing that 56% of job seekers look to social media to learn about an employer, with Facebook getting the largest share of that portion at 28%. As a result, it is more important than ever to ensure your Employer Branding is strong on social media. Consider reviewing your social media presence and adding some culture to your pages as a way to tell people who you are as an employer. Learn more about ways to improve your employer brand on social media here.

As November 8 approaches, the rhetoric and headlines will continue to top the news, and many will be glad when it is over. In the meantime, consider these lessons when approaching your recruiting needs and strategy.

Looking for some more information and tips on recruiting talent in today’s market? Contact us today! Whether you’re looking for professional recruiting services, engaging a contract workforce, or even recruiting internationally, we have the solution for your business.


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