Whether starting a new job, getting to know new employees, or simply trying to be a team player, getting along with others at work can be challenging. Within every workplace there are many different personalities, life experiences, not to mention generational differences. Hopefully, you are always able to find one or two that you connect with and find it easy to get along with, but inevitably there will be others that you don’t click with.
To help improve those relationships or at least make the day go by without issues, here are a few tips from the genius minds of Star Trek.
“Darn it, Jim!” – When asking coworkers for help (which is always okay to do), make sure it’s within their skill set! You probably shouldn’t call over a mail room worker to help you weld, nor ask your floor supervisor to mop up a spill in the bathroom.
“Please, not in front of the Klingons” – While every workplace has different policies in place regarding how you should conduct yourself during work, try to keep your shenanigans fairly tame while at work. Boisterous conversations are wonderful, but a paper airplane battle across the office or an impromptu karaoke party is probably pushing the limits of acceptable workplace behavior.
“Some nonverbal communication” – When working on a team project, constant communication is key to keep everyone in the loop. Checking things over with your coworkers before making a decision helps to build trust and increase creativity. Plowing forward with an idea by yourself could cause discord in the team, while missing the chance to get feedback from the other members.
“Too close, Gorn. Too close.” – Respect personal boundaries, and be clear with your own. If a coworker is making you uncomfortable, politely let them know and ask them to stop that behavior. If they don’t, consider going to your supervisor.
“Readings, Mr. Spock?” “…I mean Mr. Scott” – It may take time to learn coworkers’ names, but never be afraid to ask again if you forget. It’s less embarrassing than calling them the wrong name completely, and prevents you from having to constant use variants of “Hey you!”
“A woman?” “A crewman.” – All in all, respect your coworkers! Whether you’re a janitor or a Manager, you’re all part of the same working community and it’s important to create a safe and comfortable space for everyone.
Follow these wise words from Star Trek and check out other career tips from MAU. We can’t guarantee it but we hope they will help you, “Live long and prosper!”